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Measures: 8.58" x 4.32" x 1.60"
Weight: 579 grams
Description: Beautiful elestial quartz crystal with lots of little crystals growing on it that make it a barnacle crystal. Very sparkly.
Origin: Araçuaí, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Measures: 6.35" x 3.42" x 2.97"
Weight: 1,143 grams
Description: Outstanding twin lemurian quartz crystals with strong transparency and marvelous rainbows.
Origin: Joaquim Felício, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Measures: 6.61" x 5.14" x 4.54"
Weight: 1,187 grams
Description: Terrific cactus lithium quartz cluster with wonderful pinkish color. Very aesthetic!
Origin: Diamantina, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Measures: 4.53" x 4.34" x 4.17"
Weight: 419 grams
Description: Wonderful combo of amethyst on cluster of quartz pseudomorph after anhydrite. Fascinating specimen!!
Origin: Saltinho, Rodeio Bonito, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Measures: 5.65" x 3.08" x 1.78"
Weight: 408 grams
Description: Attractive cluster of quartz crystals with pyrite crystals.
Origin: Huaron Mines, Pasco, Peru
Measures: 6.82" x 5.21" x 2.42"
Weight: 496 grams
Description: Wonderful group of light beige quartz casts after anhydrite blades with calcite and a few celadonite.
Origin: Irai, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Measures: 8.18" x 4.60" x 2.76"
Weight: 1,531 grams
Description: Marvelous cathedral quartz crystal D/T multiply-terminated with pretty peaks all around the terminations, with some tabular quartz crystals aggregated. Also, this specimen has lots of little crystals growing on it that make it a barnacle crystal.
Origin: Araçuaí, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Measures: 6.71" x 4.81" x 2.55"
Weight: 524 grams
Description: This is a pristine & sparkling cluster of ultra-gemmy quartz crystals. Only quartz, no matrix!
Origin: Corinto, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Measures: 6.63" x 5.88" x 3.53"
Weight: 2,237 grams
Description: Fascinating cluster of skeletal quartz crystals D/T. The lower extremity of this pristine specimen has smoky crystals.Very, very attractive!
Origin: Itamarandiba, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Measures: 5.22" x 3.54" x 0.79"
Weight: 233 grams
Description: Attractive floater elestial quartz crystal with natural color and dozens of radiation black spots as a bonus. Very aesthetic!!!
Origin: Itinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Measures: 7.44" x 4.08" x 2.22"
Weight: 734 grams
Description: Rare phosphate eosphorite covering a elestial quartz from the classic location of Taquaral, Itinga.
Origin: Itinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Measures: 7.51" x 1.38" x 1.05"
Weight: 225 grams
Description: Excellent laser crystal with inclusions of rutile. Without damage, this specimen has a remarkable transparency. Just wonderful!
Origin: Diamantina, Minas Gerais, Brazil